Australia Dark Report: July 2024


The Australia Dark Report is a tool to help the buy side understand and navigate the Australian dark market structure on a per stock basis. The report highlights dark market data points including dark % of turnover and trends, dark trade sizes, block turnover and statistical highlights, amongst others. 

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Top 10 Dark Stocks | July

  • Dark turnover (ex blocks) across the ASX200 at 17.4% of total turnover - a slight uptick from June (+1%).

  • Within the ASX200, CHC was the most traded name in dark in July at 27.8% - a 12mth rolling high, and in contrast to the REITs sector at 19.7%, on average.

  • Across the ASX200, on average 10.8% was traded as a block

  • Utes (21.1%), REITs (19.7%) and Industrials (19.1%) were the most active sectors in dark vs Healthcare (14.4%), Energy (15.7%) and Tech (16.2%)

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