Liquidnet University + Institutional Trading Summit

Liquidnet University

Investing in the career advancement of the people who power institutional investment.

We established Liquidnet University in 2006 to empower Members to develop their careers, so we keep growing and succeeding together. Each year, traders from Member firms get to participate in these exclusive programs and learn how to expand their expertise, stay ahead of market trends, and sharpen their skills in the ever-evolving world of trading.

Step into a realm of continuous learning and professional growth with Liquidnet University, an integral part of the Liquidnet Member Experience.


Liquidnet University for Members

Expand your influence.

Liquidnet University offers our Members two unique programs designed to help them have a greater impact on their trading desks, investment teams, firms, and the industry at large.

Headway is geared toward senior and head traders and designed to empower traders within their organizations and give them a competitive advantage in the marketplace while helping them contribute to their firm’s overall success.

Gateway targets traders who are just starting out or midway through their careers and focuses on the skills and expertise that newer traders need to enhance the value they provide their desks as well as to further develop their careers.

Female presenter on stage at Liquidnet trading summit 2018
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Strengthening buy-side trading desks.

The Liquidnet University isn't just about acquiring knowledge. It's about unlocking the full potential of our Members and their trading desk.

That’s why we host regularly a series of events designed to arm our Members with the tools, insights, and strategies they need to take their trading to new heights.

Member and market structure insights

Liquidnet hosts Insights meetings with Members to foster an active dialogue on both product and industry developments.

We also regularly publish valuable information, keeping our Members and customers up-to-date on the latest macro issues affecting their jobs.

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