Liquidnet Fixed Income 

Primary Markets

Leveraging our strong grounding in the secondary market, Liquidnet is now helping to accelerate innovation in the primary markets, with a goal to become the first electronic unconflicted agency broker to provide an end-to-end workflow solution for the full life cycle of a bond.

Liquidnet Primary Markets is the first step towards this goal and represents two new offerings:
  • A Debt Capital Markets (DCM) workflow for New Issue Announcements
  • A trading protocol for New Issue Trading

Integrated into the existing Liquidnet Fixed Income desktop trading application, creating a seamless user experience from primary to secondary trading.
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New Issue Announcements

Automated and streamlined

Liquidnet is bringing greater visibility of new issue announcements to both the buy and sell side who can now engage in a quicker and more efficient way as deals are announced.

Our new workflow solves for the current fragmented dissemination of new issue data that is inefficient and time-consuming for the buy side to process.

Multiple access points
  • Announcement connectivity straight into leading Order Management Systems (OMS)
  • Integrated into Liquidnet’s existing desktop trading application
  • Additional access via a Liquidnet Member-only web portal for non-trading desk users, portfolio managers, analysts, and compliance teams

New Issue Trading

Enhancing liquidity discovery and price formation

Liquidnet has launched one of the first electronic solutions to trade new issues. The protocol offers a centralized pool of all-to-all, click-to-trade liquidity for new bond deals pre-pricing and on the break.

Liquidnet Primary Markets is available to Liquidnet participants in US and EMEA. Availability for participants based in Canada is subject to prior review and approval by the regulators in Canada.


Fixed Income in the news


The DESK: Primary markets see gradual progress as Investor Access reaches 600 buy-side users

A-Team Insight: Liquidnet Electronifies Bond Issuance Workflow with Live Deals

The TRADE: Leaders in Trading 2022 award-winners
