Fixed Income Trading

Centralized Institutional Liquidity


Liquidnet’s Secondary Markets offering provides execution solutions for investment grade, high yield, and emerging market sovereign and corporate bonds. Our multiple liquidity-seeking protocols are designed for anonymous block-size orders and a wide range of order sizes and trading strategies. Access deep institutional-sized natural liquidity and benefit from low costs and minimum market impact.


What Makes Us Different

·       Multiple trading protocols that facilitate both low touch orders and large block trades

·       Critical mass of buy-side liquidity

·       Information protection and anonymity

·       Extensive Order Management System connectivity

·       Pre-trade pricing to assist in price formation and best-execution

·       20+ years’ experience in policing pool behavior

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Liquidnet Membership and Accessibility

Multiple Access Points


Liquidnet’s fixed income trading solutions are available to:

  • Institutional buy-side traders and portfolio managers and sell-side traders, via our signature fixed income desktop trading application, or via direct connectivity

  • Access is also available through the following Order Management Systems (OMSs) and price aggregators:

  • Aladdin (BlackRock)

  • Bloomberg (TSOX)

  • Charles River

  • Eze Castle

  • Fidessa

  • FlexTrade

  • Linedata

  • SimCorp

  • Thinkfolio (Markit)

  • Trading Screen

  • Proprietary OMSs

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Liquidnet Fixed Income in the news 


Review: An apples-to-apples comparison of all-to-all trading platforms

International Investment
Spain and Cyprus issue first euro-denominated AT1s since Credit Suisse rescue sale

Best Execution
How to innovate in a volatile bond market

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If you would like more information or to speak with a Liquidnet Fixed Income specialist, get in touch! 


1 This feature is subject to prior review and approval by the regulators in Canada and not currently available to participants in Canada.
